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Welcome to the GraniteCountertop.ca web site.
On Hing (granitecountertop.ca) specialize in supplying Granite Countertop to the reseller of Ontario area. We also serve the retail sector through our showrooms. While other firms offer this same service, we are unique in that we also offer on-site installation and state-of-art home renovation service.

Our goal is to provide quality products and services to the resellers and end users in order to meet their requirement.

If you require any of the products or services we have on offer, please contact us. We are looking forward to receiving your inquiries.

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On Hing Construction and Renovation Corp.
Address: 328 Passmore Ave., Unit 1, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1V 5J5
Tel: 416-412-0988    Fax: 416-412-0977    Email: info@granitecountertop.ca